hmm.. don't read this one.

I know now, why I don't like men or why I find it hard to like men... I have my standards, they are high, but still, attainable. I want a man who is smart, preferably smarter than I amso that he will not look stupid if he's with me. I'm not belittling men , it's just that I know my worth as a woman and what I deserve for being such.

I already met him. He's smart, nice and good-mannered (although I'm a bit taller than he is) and I like him. He's a friend to me and I am likewise to him (hopefully, lolz). But sometimes, I get intimidated by his intellectual might. He makes me feel less by doing more in studies. I abhor the emotions I feel when situations like him being credited for something arose. Me and my lousy insecurity...

I don't like stupid guys and now, smart guys are stressing me out... can I just be a bubble? So I can float up in the air and just... "plop!"

...vanish into thin air.

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