I Feel So Blessed

The previous blog post was written sometime between 3 PM and 4PM. I did not bother to look at my mobile phone during that time to check out if I received any message. I wanted to maximize the 1 hour worth of rental I bought in Webtour. When I got off my seat, I finally decided to take a quick glance at the LCD of my 3310. 1 message received. I think I didn't hear the guy at the cashier clearly when he told me how much I owe him. My focus was transfixed on the words that made up the message I received.

Congratulations, uve passed the advo exam...

That was it! It just came late! I passed the exam. The text message instructed the passers to come at their office with a resume on one hand and witty answers on the other. I have no problem with those two things they required us to bring, but I don't think I have the smart casual attire that they also asked of us to wear. Oh well, I'll just ask help from mom.

Interview day.

The interview started at 9:30 and my name was called at 10:00. I believe I was there at the advo office for only 10-15 minutes. I actually enjoyed the interview process and was even disappointed when I realized it wasn't like those nerve-wrecking job interviews I went through before because the advo exam was just full of fun. I surely learned a lot of things. I even met people with bright minds.

The interview ended at 5:00 PM already. We've all waited outside for quite a long time. However, the result is worth waiting for because they had put me in the section where I thought will be the most impossible place for my feet to land on - the News section.

Dave, Mark and I decided to watch Da Vinci Code on the very same day. We had the chance watch the controversial movie on the opening day so I went home feeling very lucky that day. Thanks Kuya Mark for the movie treat!

Summer 2006

Summer class is over. I'm excited to enrol na for next sem coz I really miss my P1 and P2 peeps. I'm also yearning for Mrs. Reyes' words to live by.. hehe.

Summer of 2006 is one memorable event even if the 4a outing didn't materialize and I didn't manage to be like evita who is now a jetsetter thanks to People Support. There had been a lot of going-ons during this summer, happy moments and otherwise. I met interesting people and not so interesting people. I succeed in things I deemed not too important and became a failure in the things I love doing. I had my heart broken again by the same person. I was there slumped, until someone picked me up on the floor and dusted the dirt off. The person who did this was the same person who saved me from my first heartache. I learned a lot of surprising things about myself and about other people. I learned that I'm good enough to achieve a grade of 98 in NATSCI but not good enough to become a writer of Advocate, our schoolpaper. I learned that some people are good enough to become writers in advocate but not good enough to pass NATSCI. I'm a bit disappointed with myself for not passing the Advo exam. I think I expect too much.. can't help it, I'm too much of an optimistic. But really, I enjoyed taking the exam. Thanks for at least allowing me to take the exam! hehe..

I submitted my design proposals for the UNESCO ID and shirt. I put a lot of artistic effort to produce kickass designs so I'm hoping they'll at least consider my design an option. hehe. I hate rejections, really.

Ooops. I think an hour already passed. I need to get off my seat now, bye!

The Continuation...

Person number 9 is KIM morfe. I hated this guy before because he's so, uhmm, let's see, let's just say he didn't act the way I expect real men to behave. I mean, he was into "parinig" and those other girlish ways of picking a fight. I hated him because I thought he was trying to be like his "cool" friend. I disliked him because I know he's such a nice guy but he let some low-life guy influence his attitude. I'm sorry for saying this Kim but the sorry only goes to you. Wait, so much for the "things to hate about Kim" portion. Let's jump to the part that he'll like to read.. hehe. I believe that a man's personality has layers. Kim's the type you'd never appreciate unless you scrape longer and harder to see what's beyond the outer layer. When you get to know him, you'll realize that he's a real prized catch. He's sweet, sensitive, smart, spiritually healthy, sports-minded and a lot more s's. I love having long conversations with him because he's such a good listener with an open mind. Although we present opposing ideas in any given topic, we don't argue about the differences. He's a good friend to all and I guess could also be one of the most wonderful lovers if only he has enough courage and well, suave style to go with it. hehe. However, sometimes, his sensitivity goes beyond the boundaries of reason. When he's angry, he's just angry, no explanation would be considered valid. He doesn't get mad too easily anyway. there... TOP 9 is Kim Morfe. person number 8 in my next post.