The Continuation...

Person number 9 is KIM morfe. I hated this guy before because he's so, uhmm, let's see, let's just say he didn't act the way I expect real men to behave. I mean, he was into "parinig" and those other girlish ways of picking a fight. I hated him because I thought he was trying to be like his "cool" friend. I disliked him because I know he's such a nice guy but he let some low-life guy influence his attitude. I'm sorry for saying this Kim but the sorry only goes to you. Wait, so much for the "things to hate about Kim" portion. Let's jump to the part that he'll like to read.. hehe. I believe that a man's personality has layers. Kim's the type you'd never appreciate unless you scrape longer and harder to see what's beyond the outer layer. When you get to know him, you'll realize that he's a real prized catch. He's sweet, sensitive, smart, spiritually healthy, sports-minded and a lot more s's. I love having long conversations with him because he's such a good listener with an open mind. Although we present opposing ideas in any given topic, we don't argue about the differences. He's a good friend to all and I guess could also be one of the most wonderful lovers if only he has enough courage and well, suave style to go with it. hehe. However, sometimes, his sensitivity goes beyond the boundaries of reason. When he's angry, he's just angry, no explanation would be considered valid. He doesn't get mad too easily anyway. there... TOP 9 is Kim Morfe. person number 8 in my next post.

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