Not Good Enough...

I'm thinking of switching to a new career. The kind of job I can be really good at. I hate this feeling of being a wanna-be writer only. I feel very much fulfilled when I finish an article. It is an unparalleled elation my spirit has reached when I see my name below the article title. However, I'm afraid writing was not really the profession destined for me. Once you read my writings, you will definitely agree with me when I say that I am "ordinary". I can only produce outputs which are of "average" quality.

This is not a proclamation of perfectionism on my part. I so abhor people who expect everything to fall on its proper places. Even experts commit grammar mistakes, I know, but grammar is not the reason I feel inscure. Serial commas and subject-verb (dis)agreements were my usual blunders. However, that can be easily corrected with a help of keen eyes. It is thy writing style I don't have. Since high school, I have been writing this way and best believe that some things just won't change. I'm stuck with this pathetic way of constructing sentences. Prepare to be disappointed -- I know very little of the basics of sentence construction. And I don't believe I can further improve and enhance my writing skill anymore. Thus, my deepest apologies go to my English professors, editors and readers. As much as I want to learn more from you guys, thy stubborness wasn't easy to unlearn.

*Sigh* so, what do you think? Should I stay or should I get my Starbucks mug and orange carebear stufftoy seated at my office desk? Is it time for me to write a corporate farewell letter and render unpaid two weeks labor? Damn you, questions! Kel needs time to think.

Speaking of questions.... OMG! Tomorrow is judgment day in U.S Embassy. Lots of questions waiting to be answered. Wish me luck!

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