This IS My Plan...

My mother once asked me if I have any plan for my future. "Ewan ko" was my answer. Does that mean my life has no direction? I don't know. Actually, I have a better answer than "ewan ko" but I have decided to leave it unsaid because my mother wouldn't like it. She hates my way of thinking.

I believe that life is a road with so many twists and turns that creating a map out of it is impractical. For me, planning is worthless when you can't even tell what's going to happen in the next 5 minutes. I can say "Hey, I want to be a pilot" but then here comes a ten wheeler truck approaching and it hit me. I didn't die, but the doctor said the accident left me with no eyesight and a paralyzed upper body portion. Can I still say "Hey, I want to be a pilot"? You can come up with a million inspiring quotes fit for Hallmark cards, but let's face it, the answer is, and will always be, NO. That ten wheeler truck erased a part of my plan and now I have to reconstruct a new plan which can accommodate a person with disabilities. There's nothing wrong with working on a new blueprint for success. My stand is, I am not good at it so I'd rather not. Instead of trying to predict tomorrow's surprises and prepare for them with blind eyes, I think I'm going to hide under my table and surprise future's uncertainties with my unpredictability.

If you didn't find any sense in this entry, sorry... it wasn't part of the plan.

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