Movie Review: The Mist


Genre: Horror

This movie is scary not because of monstrous bugs lurking behind an enormous cloud of mist that prefer human flesh as their meal. Well, that kind of plot if imagined happening in real life could be a real hair-raiser, too, but in "The Mist", it was proven that nothing could be more dreadful than being with a flock of fear-drenched and paranoid people who are willing to do virtually anything to survive.

A great film, but it will be self-torture if I choose to watch it all over again. The ending was disappointing, for me, because the main characters whom I expected to go on and find answers stopped when the fuel tank had gone empty and they have a loaded gun to extinguish their power to hope.

Hardcore Bible believers or people who have absolute faith in humanity, think twice before seeing this movie.

Mood after watching this movie: DEPRESSED.

Felt Betrayed By Time (Magazine)

Can't wait for the US presidential election to be over.

Back in my college years, when my tight budget won't allow me to pick up a new issue, I save money to buy back issues of Time and Newsweek. I always learn something from reading these magazines; every issue is a goldmine of information and intellectual ideas.

Now that I have an odd job in this foreign country, I can finally afford a year of subscription to any magazine I want. However, I can only add just ONE more mag to my Redbook, People, and Popular Mechanics collections. I picked Time over Newsweek because I thought the former was better than the latter. As to what my standards were when I made that decision, I don't want to remember anymore. All I can tell you is that I am less mature at that time.

Please Time writers, stop sending me pro-Obama campaign materials!! I had enough when I received your latest issue proclaiming Obama as the winner. So disappointing. I trusted faithfully in you to deliver a fair and balanced reporting (and paid you for it, actually, in case you forgot) and you miserably failed to do it! May I suggest that you also feature the other two candidates even if they can't afford the media exposure... for your integrity's sake?

Just Fall

Remember when we used to make gentle steps on the wooden staircase of our old house because the planks are already old and fragile? One wrong move and you will fall down, but I know you won't because I will catch you, or we'll fall together then laugh about it afterwards. Even if there will be bruises on our knees and elbows. Everything back then was so easy to cope with and understand. First we try to be careful. Next, we get ready for the approaching disaster. Last, prevented or not, we shrug it off.

Now that we're older and presumably, more mature, we became too cautious. One action from the other, we overthink and delve into it to look for hidden agenda and real purpose. Anything but appreciate. Is it right? Is it wrong? Should I back off or move forward? Ceaseless flow of questions when in fact, the answers have been laid down on the table long ago, waiting to be recognized as answers. Maybe it's a sign that we're getting smarter, part of which is caring more about ourselves.

Now, we don't directly love anymore. We stop and think, perhaps too much. Calculate the profits, weigh the disadvantages. Blame everyone else but ourselves when we overlooked an opportunity to advance. Life is still like an overused and fragile staircase and we're determined to go to higher grounds, this time, with no regard as to who we are with or who might fall.

Anyway, I just want you to know that whatever happens, I am still willing to catch you, even if you have no plans of returning the favor.