Felt Betrayed By Time (Magazine)

Can't wait for the US presidential election to be over.

Back in my college years, when my tight budget won't allow me to pick up a new issue, I save money to buy back issues of Time and Newsweek. I always learn something from reading these magazines; every issue is a goldmine of information and intellectual ideas.

Now that I have an odd job in this foreign country, I can finally afford a year of subscription to any magazine I want. However, I can only add just ONE more mag to my Redbook, People, and Popular Mechanics collections. I picked Time over Newsweek because I thought the former was better than the latter. As to what my standards were when I made that decision, I don't want to remember anymore. All I can tell you is that I am less mature at that time.

Please Time writers, stop sending me pro-Obama campaign materials!! I had enough when I received your latest issue proclaiming Obama as the winner. So disappointing. I trusted faithfully in you to deliver a fair and balanced reporting (and paid you for it, actually, in case you forgot) and you miserably failed to do it! May I suggest that you also feature the other two candidates even if they can't afford the media exposure... for your integrity's sake?

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