Why Monday and Thursday Suck...

7:30 A.M

You've just deprived yourself enough sleep, you haven't taken a decent breakfast and you're going to school only to sit down and be called to recite about things you know nothing about.

I read the freakin' book on that subject, FYI.. (surprise,surprise!!) it's just that... we're seem not to be following any plan at all.. it feels like I'm lost, like there's no sense of direction in what we're doing in that class. The topic seems not to move on.. I know that my prof on that subject is good but, forgive me if your opinion is otherwise, I think she doesn't have mastery on the subject. Oh well.. maybe it's just me because the geniuses in our class seems to be getting it.

10:30 A.M

Ugh! here's another... I don't know how Am I going to learn in this class. EVERY MEETING, to get a grade of as high as 99, you just have to raise your hands high and get your photocopies and read the biography of different famous people. <--period. that's it. I don't want to do it. I think it's better for me to fail in this subject rather than read photocopies and get an easy grade. I've tried to go with the flow but it's just not me... I feel like this kind of learning is degrading on my part. I believe that the purpose of this subject is for us to know the political belief of one philosopher and try to compare it to the beliefs of other philosophers and analyze how are they going to be useful in the modern political set-up..

...maybe I'm wrong again.

And another thing, I can't believe why those people still ask questions when the answers to their inquiry is something within reach of their intellectuality...

grades, anyone?

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