Somebody Frustrates Me...

Some people just don't know how to control their emotions. I wish they could. I'm not saying that one should just keep his emotions all inside him, what I'm saying is, learn how to express them in a way not burdensome to others. Be a master of your emotions and not become a slave to them. Heck, I also feel frustrations and heartaches, but never did I try to tell the whole world about it. WHy should I? So people could offer pity or sympathy? Do I really need them? Hell no.

I admit that loneliness could sometime cause me to beg for attention or love from others but I only do it so they could help me get rid of the loneliness by means of appreciating each other's imperfections. Other people want to get rid of their miseries by projecting nice, presentable masks to their target potential friends so they will look more acceptable. True, people will buy the nice, presentable masks but only for a short time. WHy? Because humans have instincts - they could see through the masks and sooner or later, they will find out that behind the mask is a worn-out face trying to please everybody. If your target potential friend is a great person, he would choose to stay to help you get through the crisis, but if not, he'll leave you on the side of the road, nodding his head and saying to himself... "I wish you could've just shown the real you..."

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