Dear Reader,

If you know of any method that can help me get rid of this pervertd mind, please tell me about it.

Due to heavy rain and severe case of laziness, I have decided to turn our house into a workplace. Yes, I didn't have enough courage to get out and face the challenges of real world. I stayed at home to be with our four ugly and stinky dogs so I could smell like them for just one day. However, I decided to spend the whole day in front of the computer instead after I noticed that the dogs are trying to avoid me. With a broken heart, I told them, "Offsite ako ngayon...". They just gave me that look that expressed apathy. Oh well...

I thought that by working off-site, I will have the chance to finish my work earlier than usual (usual = late). I was wrong. The presence of Multiply, Blogger, and Friendster made me lose my focus on XML and SSI. I also found other interesting websites that made me forget about my so-called professional duties. Even my vainglory got in the way. I googled my online anonym "naughtykel" and I found the link to my old site where I used to post stories about my crushes and my thoughts about them.

Some entries were real sick! Hahaha! I am so ashamed of everything I've written there! And I even posted my picture! What really bothered me were the comments made by the other members... they were asking the same question! Oh, well... no need to worry now, I already deleted every entry and all those comments that will haunt me for a long time. Hehehe... =)

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