Obsessing Over Taktakan...

Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education; dancing with the feet, with ideas, with words, and, need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen? ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Due to the ceaseless inflow of obligatory work-related (read: must do) tasks, my bum rarely gets off the chair, whether I'm in the office or at home. The only parts of my body which experience some workout are my eyes and fingers. My eyes do the reading while my fingers move to retell in a non-derivative way the skimmed and scanned articles. Oh, I forgot to include my brain that I believe is already flecked with shades of black and blue because of the beating it suffered, and still suffers, from trying to understand complicated computer and business terms simultaneously.

"To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking." ~ Agnes De Mille

Because of these mentally challenging tasks that require me to sit down, shut up, and enslave myself for long hours, I miss doing some things which I really love. One of them is going to my "exclusive" dancefloor located at the 2nd floor of our house; the wide open area in front of the radio. I miss tapping my feet, swinging my hips, and swaying my hands all together in the most awkward ways. Forgive me, but dancing makes me happy. The more stupid-looking the moves are, the more I enjoy doing them. Don't worry, I always make sure that the windows are closed whenever I feel the urge to lose my sanity temporarily and relish the wonderful solitary moments with an upbeat music. I want to dance! My body is longing to make love with music. Let me dance, let me dance!

There are short-cuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them. ~ Vicki Baum

Whenever I dance, I feel like I'm in another world. A place where nobody will stare at me and say "dancing is not for you" just because my feet and the rest of my body could not coordinate very well. I want to dance because it is one of the very few life's activities that can really tire me out yet make me feel so alive! When you dance, you are giving yourself the chance to live the life of a person you really want to be, or go back to that happiest part of your childhood. That time when you are so carefree because you don't have any idea how cruel and judgmental the society is, which, unfortunately, you are a member of. During that time, you are not required to understand and follow rules yet. Yes, I recapture those lost memories when I dance. Dancing takes my weary heart and spirit in a place of pure innocence and freedom; happiness in its unadulterated form.

We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. ~ Japanese Proverb

Tomorrow is Sunday. I will deal with my backlog later in the afternoon and allot generous time for dancing early morning and late at night. I will dance again, I swear, and just to make things new, I think I'll leave the windows open this time... NOT!! Hahaha!

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