Filipino Millionaire Parks His Ferrari in NY

A Filipino walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. He tells the loan officer that he is going to the Philippines on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer tells him that the bank will need some form of security for the loan, so the Filipino hands over the keys of a new Ferrari.

The car is parked on the street in front of the bank. The Filipino produces the title and everything checks out. The loan officer agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. The bank's president and its officers all enjoy a good laugh at the Pinoy for using a $250,000 Ferrari as collateral against a $5,000 loan. An employee of the bank then drives the Ferrari into the bank's underground garage and parks it there. Two weeks later, the Pinoy returns, repays the $5,000 and the interest, which comes to $15.41. The loan officer says, "Sir, we are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away,we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire. What puzzles us is, why would you bother to borrow $5,000?"

The Pinoy replies: "Where else in New York City can I park my car for two weeks for only $15.41 and expect it to be there when I return?"


(stolen goods from Disenyo)

A Series of Anonymous Apologies

Call this Part 1

Sorry, Words..
Be careful with words, they will reveal who you really are. Resist the urge to express yourself at the height of a negative emotion, like anger or jealousy. It is a given right, I know, but that way, you can be sure that the pain you feel is not self-inflicted. It was caused by inconsiderate, immature people. Remember this, you don't really hate them. You are just disappointed. Breathe. Forgive and move on. That's what another day is for... 

Lazy Bloggers Do This... a quote. hehe:

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.

~ Will Rogers

News Update

There Will Be Paris in Rwanda

After immersing herself in deep thoughts, she finally realized that all those partying and non-pantying make her feel empty inside. (Aww..) That's why Paris, the hot Hilton heiress, is about to go backpacking to hit war-torn, poverty-ridden Rwanda. Hopefully, creating a sex video with a native is not her idea of a charitable work.

Joe Torre Says NO to New Contract Offer

Yankees fan will surely yak as former New York Yankee manager shook his head as sign of rejection to the new contract served before him by the team's big bosses. This time, he plans of running home instead of making home runs.

Birth Control Pills: A Maine School's Gift to 11-year Olds

Due to the alarming increase of young women engaging in sexual activities and getting pregnant, a school in Portland, Maine formulated a new health awareness program which allows students as young as eleven to grab their fair share of state-sponsored free prescription birth control pills. It has to be noted that the same school is also giving out condoms for free, a policy implemented back in 2000. Requests for the male organ shrouds are expected to skyrocket this year forward. Manufacturers of these contraceptives pledged a donation -- a bed in every classroom.

Death to Internet Explorer

Each time I try to close an extra browser window, I get an annoying pop-up saying that Internet Explorer has stopped working.. blah, blah, blah, closing my current window and opening a new one, which unfortunately, does not have the UNSAVED documents I was working with.

Having enough of this Microsoft-made, unreliable, flaw-ridden, yet PROPRIETARY product, I went to Mozilla's homepage and tried to download Firefox. The purpose was only to have an alternative in case I needed to work on projects which couldn't afford an instant online vanishing. There was no thought of totally getting rid of IE, because I am on Windows Vista and these two programs work together best as both products were deveoped by the same company. Moreover, IE's market share of 77.86% (as of Sept. 2007) is still an impressive figure (newsflash: new age martyrdom / technological masochism on the rise!)

However, I became an absolute Internet Explorer Momus when it won't allow me to download Firefox! Well, I'm not talking about receiving an order from Bill Gates or any of his cohorts commanding me to nevigate away from Firefox's download page. What I get is that irritating pop-up message "Internet Explorer has stopped working... blah, blah, blah.." The crash only happens to Firefox as I could download all the MP3s, and other files from different web sources without a glitch.

Maybe the problem is in Firefox, right? Hell no. You see, web users, ordinary and experts alike, are raving about these other two available web browsers: Avant and Opera. Since I am a My Opera blog proud owner, I left Mozilla's pae and hurriedly visited Opera's. Y'know what? I get the same unpleasant result. Internet Explorer has stopped working... again. OK, let's just move on. I hopped on to Avant's website and clicked the Download button. And... yes, you guessed it right -- same damn alert.

I do this everytime I go online. Up to now, luck is out of sight.

It felt like being married to a worthless man.

Call me doomed.

bored, read.

Choose to be thankful...

Each and every day is filled with opportunities to be thankful. You can be thankful for your talents, your friends and family, your job and your personal opportunities for improvement. Challenge yourself to display how thankful you are for the things that are around you, the things that you know, and the things that happen because of you.

-- Atlanticare Journal

I've been itching to post an entry about emotions but I thought that would definitely ruin my entire October. Celebrating my birthday with only two people close to me around is hard enough, so I guess a non-fiction heartbreak story could wait to be published. Maybe the coldness and unfamiliarity of the place could help nurse the aching heart; numb it until it learns how to forget. Bitterness, bitterness, here you go again. I said I will just be thankful that it happened, although it was vehemently denied. How can you be grateful for an occurrence which transpired only in your mind? Thank the person for the illusion.

Thank You.