pre-Christmas happenings...

[ 4A xmas party: some photos ]

Dec. 21, 2005 - I got to admit, this year's christmas party have been attended only by a number lesser than that of last year, but that didn't mean our party became a lame one! Hell no! We had a blast! We haven't managed to do a head count but I'm pretty sure the population reached more than twenty. I can't say that the party we had for this year is better than the previous ones, I really can't tell because as being one of the organizers, I'm not the one to rate. I just wish that somehow, they've appreciated the effort we put to make the said party a success...

Well anyweiz, here are some of the photos captured that night (Don't expect photos of me! I'm the official photographer so I had no shot! Grr! Hahaha! Just kidding!)

franz, jake, zita and sergie - reunited with a 2nd yr hs transferee to other school chucks (second from left)

franz, jean and laura - the first occupants of my digicam space :)

was gwen wishing she had bert's banana instead? haha! kidding! :)

the closest of friends flashing the sweetest smiles =D

wanna see more? view 'em
at my ImageCave Album!


[ globe broadband sucks ]

In less than a year of being a Globe Broadband subscriber, we've experienced so much downtime that we can definitely proclaim their service unreliable. Their customer service can't even entertain our inquiries regarding the lousy connection because their representatives were busy attending to other phonecalls, according to a recorded voice; busy attending to other unsatisfied and probably irritated clients of the same service I was to inquire about. Hey Globe Broadband people! I want you to know that my connection gets interrupted/disconnected every five minutes!!! I don't have all the time in the world to reconnect again and again (see? that's redundancy on my grammar, thanks to you) so please, please, please, do your job of providing us what you've promised us so we can avoid pondering about switching to another internet service provider.

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