Broken Promises Are Rock-Solid Lies

I love most people, even at times, they can be really annoying. They can do whatever they want -- call me names behind my back, talk shitt about me, and even let them fabricate tall tales. If making me look bad makes them feel better, I'll let them use me as their target of trashing. I really don't mind. I perfectly understand this because I believe ALL people are weird. It's just that the weirdness varies, in forms and degrees. I actually pity them because their weirdness sucks, the kind that is very irritating. But hey, like I already said, I understand it and can even withstand it.

What I can't stand are broken promises. You see, some people told me before that they will give me something great because I deserved it. Armed with nothing more but a strong enthusiasm, I patiently waited. Trust -- I gave this to these people wholeheartedly. Time already worn out the faith of other people around me, but I was still there. I am the one wearing a hopeful smile and a glistening pair of happy eyes. "Stupid body parts", my heart said. "How could you act as if I'm not suffering?"

Days passed and the people whom I entrusted my happiness to are still out of sight. Some show up on certain occassions, but when they do, I consider it even more disappointing. Their faces are now wearing masks of innocence. As if they didn't utter sweet promises before. As if they never did anything wrong that could possibly broke my heart. As if I was nothing. Too bad, I cared for them and will always care for them even if my mind dictates my heart not to.

If your weirdness is insincerity, you are worse than the kind of weird mentioned in the first paragraph. But if your weirdness is trusting people to fulfill their promises to you, you are the worst kind of weird.

Broken promises are rock-solid lies, aren't they? Oh Irony!

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