This is My World...

If my memory serves me right, the reason I signed up to a Multiply account was because I needed a platform for self-expression. It was never about attracting attention or making people agree with what I believe in. Not everything I say is right, but that wasn't enough license for arrogant boors to come here and pester me with their inane theatrics. This is my world, and my guess is, I'm allowed to discuss topics here which I deem important, no holds barred. However, I felt obliged to keep my composure amidst every antagonistic statement made against me because people expect me to always do the right thing. So, I will continue to ignore some people's shameless display of childishness and stupidity on this blog. I just can't help but feel sorry for MY blog because it is fast becoming a stage for clowns and jesters. Oh well, I hate dealing with inerudites, anyway. It makes me feel like I belong to the lower class. My professors will be disappointed.

This is why I miss blog in its infancy stage, the time when only a limited number of people can create and manage one. Bloggers back then were not mere whiners, they actually make sense. They post entries with substance written in an eloquent way. Even when they have to say something bad about somebody, they are always able to pull it off without losing breeding and dignity. With creativity and wit, negative emotions were tamed and presented as valuable life lessons. Sorry haters, I want to be this kind of blogger. Wherever you think you are, I can't go that low....

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