3rd post

I did not take my lit. exam today! Reason: I have no book. I don't want to get one. Reason: My professor on that subject sucks like hell! But there's still more monstrous than my lit. subject professor, and her name is.... uhmm.. not worth mentioning, really. But I could give you one clue: she's my Filipino professor. You know what I realized while on my way home this day? I never had a good Filipino professor in FEU. I wonder why.... hmmm.

My classmate in English called me Attorney. I was elated.. :) Reason: I answered coolly in my english class today.

Once again, my recitation in my polsci subject is a mess. I was told once again that I've answered the wrong things in a very wrong way, and I shoul've answered this and that. I said to myself, "It wouldn't be me if I did that...". But I'm still thanking him for teaching me how to improve on my recitation.

Music on the background: Dance with my Father - Luther Vandross.mp3

I'm busy! bYE!

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