first post

We won the third place! FEU managed to secure the third position yet once again in the UAAP cheering competition... and, yeah, we're on top when it comes to Men's basketball divison with 11 wins and 3 loses. I can imagine some people raising eyebrows again and saying with much conviction, "yeah, 3rd in cheering and they can win in the championship again... but do they excel academically?"I must admit that in terms of academic issues, we're not as good as others claim to be, but we're not as bad as they're trying to say we are. If you can only see the to-be-proud-of products of the fine arts students, the patience and determination of the nursing students, the debating expertise of the PolSci students, the communication skills of the masscom students or the lovely faces and personalities of the psych students of our school, you may not just even change your mind about feu, you may even consider leaving your current school and transfer. (Nah! I advise you to stay if ur already in U.P, La Salle or Ateneo... to transfer from these school to my school is stupidity!)

Some students from other universities think that the FEU students are jologs. Yes, as a matter of fact, jologs people do exist in FEU, I affirm to that, but definitely not all! Don't tell me that in your university, there's no single person you can classify as jologs, because if you do tell me that, then I can be sure you are guilty of pure hypocrisy and conceit. There's some moments in my life when I feel like transferring to another school. Somewhere there's no too strict rules on the uniform - somewhere you can better express your individuality by wearing whatever you desire and there's no guards or personnel who can easily take away your I.D from you just because you have committed so-called "offenses" like not wearing the prescribed uniform even if it's your free day and you just need to pay your tuition fees or not wearing the right patch of the institution where you belong. The horrendous situation of the restrooms - doors with no locks, faucets that are useless because there's no single drop of water coming out. The elevators that can only serve us 3 days a week because it's always out of order. Unreasonable rules, incompetent and bias professors... these are some reasons why I'm considering leaving FEU.

But hey! I suddenly realized that somehow, this school rocks! The trees at the freedom park, the feeling of security whenever I'm already inside the campus, the funny scribbles inside the restrooms, the kewl professors, the people whom I've already met... hmm.. maybe I should really just stay...

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