endings, beginnings and continuations...


haaay salamat! sa wakas! tapos na rin ang aming Final Examinations! I'm soo thankful for all those people who inspired me to make good in the exams! I surely wouldn't be as determined kung wala kayo! nyehehe! should I name names? Uhmm.. wag na lang.

I read in a lot of self-help books that we should should always try to say how much we appreciate other people because it will make them feel good. I know they're right, but it's just so hard for me bare my emotions about other people. Why? I have this paranois that if try to tell people how special they are to me, it's like making myself vulnerable to pain. Are you getting confused with what I'm saying? Haayy.. I can't even understand it myself! I just have this crazy idea that if one shows to other people how much he/she loves them, these people will have all the reason in the world to act carelessly because they know that they would be understood by that person who loved them. Got it now? Oh, well... moving on...

I already know my final grades in my Public Speaking and International Org. class... I got flat 1 in both subjects. Wow.. I should be really thankful to those people who fueled my the energy to review and think hard during the exams. God heard my prayers.. the biggest "THANKS!" goes to Him.

[ new house ]

we just moved in to our new house in Cainta, Rizal. I feel a bit bored there because the place is soo quiet, unlike in the place where I grew up... hehe. It also feels ironic, because there were only 2 of us who stay there (on eof my brother wanted to stay in Makati while my other brother hardly stays for a long time), me and my mom, and the house is big while our house in Makati is small yet inhabited by so many. But y'know what? I know I will miss our house in Makati even if it's not big and beautiful. I learned to love that house amidst the nosy, gossipy neighbors and the dirty surrounding because it's the place where I grew up. Somehow, that place help shaped my personality and attitude. I'm not maarte because of that house. I acquired humility because of that humble house. That house is my HOME. But of course, our lives need improvement. We need to look forward to the greater things in life. Change is inevitable. At least, the change that happened was not about going to a small house coming from a big house, but vice versa. Next stop is New York, so I guess I'll be saying goodbye not just to a smaller house, I'll be saying goodbye to people... people I dearly love. I believe that thing would be a much harder change to accept.. but yeah, life must go on.

[ the continuation... of the TOP TEN LIST! ]

I really can't think of the most deserving person to put in the number 9 slot... so, yeah, I'll just think harder and then put person number 9 in the next entry.. hehe..

The Top 10 List

Andrew of P1 made his own TOP 15 list of the best people of his life. I'm happy and proud to occupy the 10th spot of his exclusive list. What he did is a good way of reminding himself who were those people who touched his life. Well, there had been an overwhelming urge of making the same list so allow me to present to you my very own TOP 10 picks of the best people I've ever met (as of MARCH 2006)...

but before that, I just would like to mention it here first that I read in Andrew's blog that he had been mad about my being partisan to the recent FEU student council election. Well, I understand him for feeling that way towards me because I wasn't supposed to take side in the election for I was a COMELEC member. I abused my power.. shame on me..! hehe. He was also angered by the fact that I chose to vote for the opponent of my classmate. By the way, that classmate of mine won in the aforementioned election and he actually thanked me because he thought I voted for him. Well anyway, back to Andrew's hostile reaction to my decision, he stated on the blog that even if he detested my "political" actions of supporting instead a MasCom student than voting for a PolSci peer, he said that all those belonged to the past now. He now considers me a good friend capable of giving him good advises about his dilemmas.

Andrew, I'm sorry if I've done all those things in the past. I just want you to know that whatever action I take, I see to it first that my act wouldn't violate the principles I believed in. For me, voting for a person just because he's my classmate is an act that would go against my principle so I didn't do it. I have justifiable reasons not to vote for him. You know who he is. Even you had had doubts about him. I don't offer my loyalty to individuals, I devote my loyalty only to my principles. I hopw you understand that.


I've decided to post only one person per blog entry because I will make a very long blog entry if I'll be completing the list in one seating. Furthermore, I'll have a lot of time to think about who among the people I know is deserving to be on my very own exclusive list:

10. Ms. Carolino -- She was my teacher in my Enligsh subject when I was in my 6th grade in elementary. I agree to what Mrs. Reyes was saying about elementary school teachers, they didn't give us the education we deserved mainly because they don't enough wisdom to share, only candies and other things to sell. However, I should say that Ms. Carolino is one of the few who is excempted to that rule. Ms. Carolino, as much as I can remember, was a teacher whose strictness may become unbearable. But even if she was that strict, I can't deny that she was one of the best English teachers I ever had. When we were asked to pass our notebooks, you'll be amazed to know that she actually go through every page of our notebooks to check, WORD BY WORD, grammar or spelling mistakes. I learned a lot from her and I will always be thankful to God for giving me the time to spend with such a wonderful person. Thanks, too, Ma'am!

{watch out for person number 9 on the next blog entry...]

Topic Is Cheating...

Last thursday, we had our exam on Internaional Law. The exam covered three long chapters and involved several cases. In short, the exam wasn't a piece of cake for all of us. Although the exam was hard, I was confident that the smarter people in our class will still have the chance of making it good. But while I answering my test paper, I heard my professor saying that some of my classmates were blatantly cheating in front of his eyes. I was pretty much sure that the people he was talking about were the known intellectual beggars in our class. I was surprised when I was told that the people who received a minus 10 were actually the smart ones.

I was disappointed because I so abhor cheating. I'm not saying that I did not perform any act of academic dishonesty in the past. Yes, I cheated before, because I was too young to realize that cheating is a serious problem among students. Many people believe that cheating during exams is not a big deal. But it is! Cheating is a form of lying. Cheating, for me, is an act of pretense. Cheating is like digging your own grave. Cheating is cowardice, the last resort of those who can't accept defeat. Maybe in war, we can apply cheating and label it "strategy" but I'm afraid the same could never be applied when it comes to academic matters. Studies is different. We study because we have to learn, not just things related to math, science, etc.. We also study to learn values needed for our personal growth. Educational institution's primary goal was not to produce gradutes who have HIGH grades. Their ultimate goal was to produce graduates who have good attitudes toward work. If I'm an employer, I would only be interested in your grades in the beginning. My impression will still depend on the quality of your work and the manner you interact and deal with people.

You don't have to cheat. You need to study! Hardwork and determination will get you where you want to go. Add good attitude to that and you're on your way to achieving the best life has to offer.

Project Essay I would like to Share

This is a project that will only be granted with a grade of 60 because I'll be submitting it past the due date. I can't understand myself why I still spent a deal of time to finish this off when I know that it souldn't be graded anymore according to its content, but according to the date passed instead. Oh anyway, since I know this wouldn't be read anymore by my professor, I might as well just post this as a blog entry, ENJOY!

People who claimed to be supporters of real democracy are once again crying foul for yet another action made by the Arroyo administration that hindered them to practice their "rights", the Proclamation 1017.

Is the proclamation constitutional? Many of the vocal specialists in the field of law seem to have the same answer -- 'NO'. They said that there had been inconsistencies in the full text of the proclamation, its title tenuously connected with the body. I read in one article that the proclamation supposed to have violated one rule in statutory construction of laws. Therefore, I'm afraid I may not be qualified enough to declare the questioned act of Her Excellency as constitutional or otherwise.

But maybe, we should try going over to that part of our constitution where it was stated that the president, as the commander-in-chief of the AFP, may call out his/her armed forces to suppress lawless violence, invasion or rebellion. Using this as my basis, I can say that, somehow, that Proclamation 1017 can be considered justifiable. There is indeed a clear and present danger too apparent not to be acted upon. The opposition found another good time and place for the execution of their power-grabbing modus operand, which is the celebration of the People Power 1. These people were trying too hard to destabilize the government, employing even actions that involve the use of unnecessary force and violence. So I think it was her job to issue the Proclamation 1017 to ensure that the civilian's safety will be protected. The media argued that the government took away their freedom of expression, but I guess it's ok to take away some rights from some people if these rights were being abused anyway. What I'm trying to say is, we complain too much because we've been restricted from doing the things we consider to be within the scope of our rights, not realizing that we are also capable of abusing those rights.

Some people even said that the proclamation 1017 is already like Martial Law. If what they are saying is true, I can conclude now that the martial law proclaimed by Marcos wasn't that bad after all. I'm so disgusted by the manner some power-hungry individuals lure the simple-minded Filipinos into believing that in a democratic country, you can do anything you want just because you have the rights. It's saddening to know that we tend to forget about the responsibilities that go with the rights. I am also saddened by the fact that we have the wrong ideas about the true meaning of freedom and democracy. I detest the fact that human principles can be bought in a country hampered by poverty, and its okay for the people to be regarded as commodities by the reigning oligarchs.

If the sole question would only be whether the Proclamation 1017 is constitutional, I'll just say no with eyes closed and believe in my mind that with the kind of people we have here, it should be.

Crazy Talk With Mrs. Reyes

Our final exam in Public Speaking is quite unque.. and hard. We need to sell candies that would cost ten pesos each and we have to offer the unreasonably priced commodity to our chosen faculty members of the school. The purpose was to test our ability to persuade a person to buy our goods even if it has an unreasonable price. I chose Mrs. Reyes as my customer simply because I know she'll help me out with the whole process by adding some sense in the selling process. The fact that she's a very sincere person would actually be a plus for me because I don't want to sell my goods to someone who will be nice only in front of a camera. With Mrs. Reyes, I know there'll be no sugar-coating that'll happen or whatsoever... that, for me, lessen the stress and the feeling of intimidation on my part.

Unfortunately, we don't have the means to take hold of a reliable videocam so we ended up using Jim's mobile phone (thanks soooo much jim! we owe you this one!). We didn't have any problem with the picture quality of the videos, but I should say that I am now in deep shit because I can't figure out how I will be able to reduce the background noise in my interview with Mrs. Reyes. The audio qulaity is just so poor! 2 out of 10, 10 being the highest. I can barely hear my voice! My noisy classmates won't go out of the room where we've decided to shoot so they're the one to be blamed for the poor audio quality of my video. hehe. Anyway, here's th video I've been talking about:

The 2006 Oscar Winners!

Complete list of winners at the 78th annual Academy Awards, presented Sunday night at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles:

Best Picture: "Crash."

Actor: Philip Seymour Hoffman, "Capote."

Actress: Reese Witherspoon, "Walk the Line."

Supporting Actor: George Clooney, "Syriana."

Supporting Actress: Rachel Weisz, "The Constant Gardener."

Director: Ang Lee, "Brokeback Mountain."

Foreign Film: "Tsotsi," South Africa.

Adapted Screenplay: Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana, "Brokeback Mountain."

Original Screenplay: Paul Haggis and Bobby Moresco, "Crash."

Animated Feature Film: "Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit."

Art Direction: "Memoirs of a Geisha."

Cinematography: "Memoirs of a Geisha."

Sound Mixing: "King Kong."

Sound Editing: "King Kong."

Original Score: "Brokeback Mountain," Gustavo Santaolalla.

Original Song: "It's Hard out Here for a Pimp" from "Hustle & Flow," Jordan Houston, Cedric Coleman and Paul Beauregard.

Costume: "Memoirs of a Geisha."

Documentary Feature: "March of the Penguins."

Documentary (short subject): "A Note of Triumph: The Golden Age of Norman Corwin."

Film Editing: "Crash."

Makeup: "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe."

Animated Short Film: "The Moon and the Son: An Imagined Conversation."

Live Action Short Film: "Six Shooter."

Visual Effects: "King Kong."

My Life in Pictures

I still don't have that level of enthusiasm to write a detailed, text-based only blog entry so I will just be sharing another batch of images my digicam has been able to capture this week. I've added a wee bit of information of what the photo is all about. Please accuse me of being a frustrated photographer... thanks.

Whipped out the digicam (while I was talking to doms) and took these photos. these were taken last March 2. Isn't my school lovely?



This is one of the 2 certificates I received for joining the on-the-spot writing contest and the political science quiz bee. I won the third place in the essay writing contest while I lost my title as the 2005 quiz bee champion to the sophomores this year. Nezt year will be pay back time! haha!


This was also taken last March 2. Here, the students were choosing from the lists of candidates from the SAMASA and SANDIGAN parties laid down on the tables. This election would fill the available seats in both the FEUCSO and IAS student Council. I volunteered to become a comelec member, so, I was there, helping out in the election process. It was a good experience, although I was disappointed because most of the people I've voted for didn't win. Oh well...
