The Top 10 List

Andrew of P1 made his own TOP 15 list of the best people of his life. I'm happy and proud to occupy the 10th spot of his exclusive list. What he did is a good way of reminding himself who were those people who touched his life. Well, there had been an overwhelming urge of making the same list so allow me to present to you my very own TOP 10 picks of the best people I've ever met (as of MARCH 2006)...

but before that, I just would like to mention it here first that I read in Andrew's blog that he had been mad about my being partisan to the recent FEU student council election. Well, I understand him for feeling that way towards me because I wasn't supposed to take side in the election for I was a COMELEC member. I abused my power.. shame on me..! hehe. He was also angered by the fact that I chose to vote for the opponent of my classmate. By the way, that classmate of mine won in the aforementioned election and he actually thanked me because he thought I voted for him. Well anyway, back to Andrew's hostile reaction to my decision, he stated on the blog that even if he detested my "political" actions of supporting instead a MasCom student than voting for a PolSci peer, he said that all those belonged to the past now. He now considers me a good friend capable of giving him good advises about his dilemmas.

Andrew, I'm sorry if I've done all those things in the past. I just want you to know that whatever action I take, I see to it first that my act wouldn't violate the principles I believed in. For me, voting for a person just because he's my classmate is an act that would go against my principle so I didn't do it. I have justifiable reasons not to vote for him. You know who he is. Even you had had doubts about him. I don't offer my loyalty to individuals, I devote my loyalty only to my principles. I hopw you understand that.


I've decided to post only one person per blog entry because I will make a very long blog entry if I'll be completing the list in one seating. Furthermore, I'll have a lot of time to think about who among the people I know is deserving to be on my very own exclusive list:

10. Ms. Carolino -- She was my teacher in my Enligsh subject when I was in my 6th grade in elementary. I agree to what Mrs. Reyes was saying about elementary school teachers, they didn't give us the education we deserved mainly because they don't enough wisdom to share, only candies and other things to sell. However, I should say that Ms. Carolino is one of the few who is excempted to that rule. Ms. Carolino, as much as I can remember, was a teacher whose strictness may become unbearable. But even if she was that strict, I can't deny that she was one of the best English teachers I ever had. When we were asked to pass our notebooks, you'll be amazed to know that she actually go through every page of our notebooks to check, WORD BY WORD, grammar or spelling mistakes. I learned a lot from her and I will always be thankful to God for giving me the time to spend with such a wonderful person. Thanks, too, Ma'am!

{watch out for person number 9 on the next blog entry...]

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