nothing and nobody...

A friend's current situation inspired me to write this:

"Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing." -- Denis Waitley

It seems to me that everybody nowadays are putting too much effort to achieve a particular status, a title, for themselves. It's all about being somebody in this world, right? but what if in your quest in becoming a somebody, you've become a nobody?

Trying hard to become somebody is not bad, instead, it is that driving force that could lead to success. But, in the first place, was it just success you are wanting all along, or was it really the happiness and the feeling of contentment that success had promised to bring that you are actually longing for?

For me, no one is nothing or worth nothing unless he had given up on himself. He is nothing when he chose to stop moving even if he can still crawl his way up to where planned to get to. He is nothing in my eyes if he decided to to give in while the people around him are still there, wanting and warranting him to go on. Once you lose faith, hope and courage, that's the time everybody can call you a loser, purposeless, unneeded -- a real nobody. Remember, even a stinking piece of shit can be turned into fertilizer. Don't you ever think that a stinking piece of shit is better than you. To defy the impossible is something. Not to lose hope is something. You see, it's only going through the low times and being able to get rise from it that you can be somebody.

I know a lot of people who feel that they're never capable of doing mistakes that could result to failures. These are delusional people... people who, in reality, are seen as nothing in the eyes of many. Success, they have it, but they are living miserable lives. Believe me, whenever alone, they cry tears that you never have to cry out. Lies and pretensions are their stairs used to reach the lonely top, their prize, abysmal insecurity. For them, the sole end is getting there fast when in fact, it's all about learning things while getting there. Success does not require only time to be attained, it needs the development of the right kind of attitude towards life as well. It's the bigger and more essential factor. Experience teaches us the ways and means which are effective and which are not. Failure is part of experience. You've just found out ineffective ways of doing things, now the duty is to discover the effective ones! No one on earth other than you holds the key. It was long given to you as a gift by Him, so don't disappoint Him by giving up the hunt for your treasure.

If you can't do the job alone, seek help from those who matters to you the most. They may not be able to give you much of their time, but I assure you, you will inspired to work hard knowing that they exist. You will be fuelled with an energy so positive that another failure won't matter anymore.

If you believe in yourself, people will believe in you. For those who do not, it's time to show they will eventually have to.

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