I Don't Have the WRITE stuff... So what?!

I have this marvelous professor who broadcasted in our class the "stupid" thing I've written on an essay, which I consider as a mere "honest mistake" on my part.

We've been assigned to work on an essay about the testimonial program that we watched Tuesday last week. The program was for the newly appointed Supreme Court Chief Justice, who is a graduate of our university. The stupid part, he said, was when I wrote "when the Justice took over the podium, the audience couldn't help but offer a standing ovation". He said it was plain stupid to write that sentence because it wasn't, after all, a standing ovation. Standing ovations are for performances only, I remembered him saying. He added that it is a duty of people to stand-up whenever a Justice is about to give a talk as a sign of respect. I didn't know that. I even laughed at myself because it goes to show that I can be too ignorant at some things. I admit my face turned red because of shame during the time he was criticizing my paper in front of all my classmates. All I could do was smile. Now I know that standing ovations are for performances only. No more like that in my future writings. hehe.

Truthfully, I don't hold grudge against what he said, after all, all he said was true. But I think I got a problem with the way he said it.

If only you were there, you'll probably think that he wasn't capable of giving constructive criticisms. He knows how to hit a nerve and he's really good at it. He has no regard for people's feelings. I'm not the only one who could and would affirm to that. Well, here's my conclusion: I believe he's just insecure. I have this feeling that he thinks too highly of himself, regards his skills superior but feels that his accomplishments are too little or of mediocre quality. You're good sir, but certainly not the best.

Sir, I will become a good writer. I'll be bigger than what you've managed to become. Or if my stupidity won't allow me to become a good writer, then I'll just avoid being someone like you. That, for me, is an accomplishment I could be really proud of.

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