3AM poem

3am.. ho-hum.. I'm sure my brother will be home soon so I'm posting my MAY 2 entry now.. oh look.. it's just a poem, read on:

3 A.M flashbacks

questions with clear answers
but concealed from your heart
covered by sheets called friendship
even though it felt more than that

your arms, they brought a peculiar warmth
but you are in chains, locked up
afraid to reveal the different color you have
keys buried within the soils of self denial

patience melting away like a lighted candle
path which you are willing to take still left unchosen
to be happy or to be right? two life's choices.
tick-tocks munching away moments which shud've been ours

now, the fire - your light - was already put out
the flame you wished to keep burning with unconditional love
I am the path you did not plan to take from the start; now an option
but aren't meant to be's are still arent' meant to be's

flip the page now, I'm just another chapter

written at 3am, image from: deviantart.com

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