emote muna...

got bored yesterday so I've decided to kill some time by signing up at PINOYSTER.com.. and guess what? my boredom got worse! their site is too slow! I don't think it was our PC's fault since by the time I've signed up, no other programs are up and running and I'm not downloading anything and we're not on dial-up anymore. And personally, I won't recommend this site to my friends because I consider the site disorganized - links are scattered, you won't know what to click on to get to the page you're looking for - and yeah, you won't know anything at all if you're just like me who doesn't own enough patience. Stick with friendster... =D

I want to say something to someone, but every freaking time of every freaking day feels like not the right time to say it! Y'know what's the problem? ME! I haven't even started a thing yet I'm already figuring out how will it end. There's so many words piling up on my head, words that might become marketable to NO NAME and NO NAME will eventually buy... but my tongue will just get tied up and my mind gone blank whenever NO NAME is already there, ready to listen.

OK. Since I know for a fact that NO NAME is not visiting my site and not the person who has the time and patience to read a single entry on my blog, I will just put inside a poem all the things I wanted to say to NO NAME all along..

The letter

I wrote a letter for you today,
and I put it in a box.
I covered it with my tears,
then I closed it with a lock.

In this letter I put,
what I need to say.
Things that I hold in,
every single day.

This letter isn't very long,
actually it only contains one phrase.
A phrase that I only speak,
when I mean it in every possible way.

I love you I think,
I'm just too afraid to speak.
I'm afraid of what you'll say,
oh those thoughts make me weak.

This letter I hold it tightly,
and I hide it away from everyone.
The one person that should know of it,
the one that means so much.

I'm too scared to hand it over,
to you the one so dear.
So many chances I have,
but it's your reaction that I fear.

Today I wrote a letter for you,
and I've hidden it away in a box.
The inside is filled with my tears and feelings,
and the outside is closed with a lock.

The key I've hidden away,
in the depth of my heart.
It'll stay hidden away there,
till these fears decide to depart.

When they depart and leave,
this key I'll hand over to you.
That will undo the lock and letter,
that I've held secret this whole time from you.

But till then...
Today I wrote a letter.

nope, I'm NOT the author of this poem.. but it's strange how I managed to get to the webpage where this poem is located.. I'm a member of creative-poems.com and I've clicked on a link where you'll be directed to a random poem and look what I've found? a poem absolutely written for me? hehe.. i wish.. =D

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