conversations made out of pizza and bottomless drinks...

[ conversations made out of pizza and bottomless drinks... ]

I went to Valero Plaza today to fix some documents regarding my educational plan. I was hoping that, since I finally completed collecting the required papers they asked me to bring to their office, I could already get the check I needed to pay my tuition fees. But yeah, they said my mother still needs to sign this and that and I may not be able to encash the damn check because it was my mother's name which was imprinted on that thing.. so, ayun, wala rin kaming napala ni Kim.

I asked Kim to accompany me there because I've only been there once. Of course, we can't just go home and call it a day for us since my agenda only lasted for a couple of minutes. He's starving and although I'm not, we agreed to go to Greenbelt to feed ourselves. Undecided on where to spend our money on to buy foods, we tired our legs out first to look for that perfect place to satisfy our hunger. Tokyo Tokyo seemed not a good choice so we end up eating at Shakey's. I think we've spent an hour or so in that place, if I'm not mistaken. No, we did not plan to have our glasses refilled endlessly by pretending to be slow pizza-eaters (we've just thought about that slightly, I swear!), we stayed that long because we've talked about a lot of things, mostly my stories because Kim is one of the few people who can tolerate my burdensome stories.. hehe. I want to thank Kim for the time used up in accompanying me to Provident Plans office and another big thanks for the delicious pizza and bottomless iced tea that filled up my tummy. thanks kim.. sa uulitin.. hehe. see yah tomorrow!

[ confidence is courage at ease ]

I'm starting to believe now that I am somewhat an attractive being. hahaha! Right now, I feel being so appreciated. Somehow, the thought made me gain some confidence - the thing I believe I'm lacking of. I feel ashamed to admit this, but yea, it's true, I lack self-confidence. I'm not the kind of person who can stand up in front of the class and speak as spontanenously as others do. The thought of committing a mistake petrifies me. I'm also afraid that they might think I'm pasikat or something like that. I hate being judged. I think people are not confident enough because they hate being judged. I guess being not confident enough also tantamounts to not having enough courage. Example is a poor man; he is afraid to go to a fine restaurant which has a snob effect on people even if he only wants to look around or check out the goods being sold there. He fears to be judged in case he did something stupid. I was like that before. Now, I think I'm improving. If you think you are like the old me, someone who is not confident enough, just remember these words of wisdom:

If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think that you dare not, you don't; If you'd like to win and you think you can't, It's almost certain that you won't. If you think you'll lose, you've lost; For out in the world you'll find Success begins with a fellows will- It's all in the state of mind. If you think that you are out-classed, you are; You've got to think high to rise; You've got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize. Life's battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man; But sooner or later the man who wins Is the man who thinks he can. - Author Unknown

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