the ps0231 experience

I miss my chums in PS0232. I miss na rin my 4A friends.

I'm kinda liking sum1 AGAIN right now.. hehe. A GUY. corny. haha! kaya lang, I think he's a BOLERO. haayy nako, I should know, I'm a BOLERA myself... haha!

PS0231 - I wanted to describe them as a whole, but doing such will only show unfairness on my part. I've only spent 3 days with them, and although I did not have one enjoyable moment with them, I did not have a miserable one either, so I think I'll just have to wait before I post an entry about them containing what are they really like.

Well, one thing is for sure, I don't like SOME of the boys there. I don't like noisy BOYS, never did like. To think that they are already 18 or 19, they should already be acting like MEN. I don't care how big your brains are, I don't care if you know every single word in the dictionary, you are still nothing to me if you don't know how to respect people.

The THING that happened at a friend's house last SUNDAY made me realized quite a lot of things. I'm keeping those realizations to myself..

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