gloriagate scandal

the wiretapped coversations.

I've already completed the download of the gloriagate scandal. ANG HABA PALA! 3 HOURS????!! bad news, guys, it was really gloria macapagal arroyo's voice there. well, the file is too large to share so you just have to satisfy yourself with the PDF copy and read what's you're supposed to listen to. hehe.. :)

Right Click here and Save Target As..

the gloriagate scandal, bow.

a badly beaten president

I don't care if President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo had really cheated. If I'm the one who was in her place during the election, I would actually do the same thing. I will cheat, yes, I will cheat, but not because I want power for myself, but because I know for a fact that majority of the Filipinos will do the the most ridiculous thing of voting FPJ for president. I will use cheating to safeguard and secure the next six years of my country. I will cheat so that I can make positive changes in the government. I will fool the people, I will lie to them and I will be willing to pay ANY amount just to prevent FPJ from acquiring the highest position in the Philippine government. But all of these, I will do in silence. Scheme and plot for the common good... haha! I wrote this as a joke, but I'm beginning to feel that it's not like that anymore. You can call me stupid, birdbrain or kupal (hehe.. wag naman) but that's my OPINION and I guess everybody is entitled to give some.

But again, my opinions were based on the pressumption that PGMA is a good president only willing to do bad things for the just, right and good reasons.

And I've just heard that Erap is offering himself to replace PGMA if ever she'll be ousted... the mere imaginations in my head are already scaring the hell out of me, what if it's already a reality? Renounce my citizenship and go to the mountains of Timbuktu? I know that it's not impossible for him to be president again... why? remember the record-breaking landslide victory with 11 million plus votes? He's the man who got that, right?

Really, I'm tired of all these efforts to destabilize the government. Please people, please, get enough education for yourself so you can't be easily brainwashed or misinformed. If you want the truth, there's no shortcut to get there.

I'm in no way a pro-GMA, an anti-ERAP nor an anti-FPJ. I know there's a better leader than PGMA but she's the best who's already there, so why not just be civilized enough to support not her but the government she's running?

Ooops... I forgot my readers are just of my own age.. hehe.. =D I can imagine now how some people will react to this post... "politics again, racquel? boring. i think I'll answer that less boring survey in friendster,.. geez racquel, politics again..."

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