hippity hip hip hop

Men are respectable only as they respect.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (American Poet, Lecturer and Essayist, 1803-1882)

1. Watching young people talk like as if they'll be part of the same banana electorate that we have today really saddens and frustrates me. I thought our generation is different. I thought our minds are far more resistant to brainwashing and corruption. I hope my presumptions are not true...

2. I think you would agree with me if I say that a lot of young people today have bright minds and deep sense of understanding of things around him. I even chose to look up to a few of them, admiring them for having a different kind of maturity and higher level of thinking unlike most of the people at their age. But those who are worthy of my admiration are only those who have the right kind of attitude. Your intelligence is futile if you don't have the right kind of attitude.

3. Two things I hate the most: one, injustice. two, lack of respect. Injustice, I can tolerate because I've seen enough of it already and all I could do about it is to try to be someone who will never be part of it. Lack of respect is something I can't, and won't, be able to stand. Everytime I see someone being disrespectful to another, whoever he/she is, there's this burning need inside of me to insult and belittle that person head to feet and point out to him that he/she is nothing but a disgusting, pathetic piece of garbage.

...hmm, let's see, I think there's a very unfortunate person here on earth who is: 1) stupid 2) doesn't have the right kind of attitude and 3) disrespectful

... sayang, gwapo ka pa naman.

Hehe, backstabbed someone again on this entry.. ang mag-react, sapul! hahaha!! anyweiz, me and some of my classmates will be on Y Speak tomorrow... audience lang naman. Heck, I don't even know what's the topic so I guess I'll just be there to take pictures of ryan and bianca... kidding!

Humbling Experiences:

I was elated when Dave told me that Mr. Mortel, the DEAN of the PolSci Department, was looking for me and was planning to give me the project of designing something... "WHOA...!!" Kilala ako ng Dean? CooL. =D (mapag-uusapan naman ang talent fee eh. juk. =D)

I was chosen to be one of the three adjudicators in a debate in our ParlPrac class. Heck, I wasn't even aware that they just did kasi may nakasalpak na earphones sa tenga ko coz I was listening to some music during that time with tin. Well, hindi yun ang ikinatuwa ko. What counted as a humbling experience is when it was my time to state my opinions and judgements on the debate that just took place, the room got really quiet and they were actually wanting to hear what I've got to say... and that's not just it! I even noticed a few people on the far side standing up and looking to where I was sitting! Wow! I'm extremely flattered! Haha! Nakakatawa din at the same time kasi hindi naman talaga ako marunong mag-adjudicate eh... buti na lang nagkaron ako ng konting experience nung high-school. Haayy.. thank you my high school Alma Mater! I even remembered the debate legendaries Prince Boeck and the guy from section B (I forgot his name)... those assholes and how they pissed the hell out of me during debates way back in high school! haha!

I hope Your blessings will keep on coming... =D

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