pieces of paper

[ no exams for me ]

oh my, i think i will not be able to take up my midterm exam on friday and saturday because I still haven't paid my balance approximately amounting to 13,000 pesos.. wow, it's only now that I truly realize how expensive education is. It's no surprise that my name yet appeared again on the negative list, the list of people who won't be allowed to step a foot on the classroom on examination day unless they go to the cashier first and pay the necassary amount for the continuation of their education... paper paper, money money, baby...

the greatest irony is, some of the people who were able to pay on time and in full are the not so bright students who don't even bother to touch their books. Hmm... I so envy their kind, the part only of being able to pay on time and in full. hehe...

so, where will I go on Friday and Saturday, knowing that my professors are not going to hand in the questionnaires to me because of my unpaid dues? I don't know. Any suggestion?

[ Eeepp!! ]

I still haven't worked on the logo I promised I'll be creating for our Rotaract Club.. hmm.. I think I should first work on this getting uglier attitude of mine of making promises that couldn't be kept. well anyweiz, I guess I need to seek help from artists like me (ehem.. speaking too highly of yourself again, ms. balao-as?) to be able to produce a kick-ass design. hehe.

eeep!! (again...) I still haven't reviewed for that long quiz tomorrow in our speech class. I know I need to study and I believe that I must study but whenever I remember the kind of rampant cheating that proliferates in the room during exams, it makes me wanna let go of my study material, close my eyes and lose myself to dreamland...

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