yey! success!

I think yesterday's reporting in speech went well... I'm so glad that the entire P1 cooperated with us in the activity we prepared for them. I just realized something today regarding P1, they are really good in thinking outside the box. The realization came to me when we've grouped them for the activity of making a short commercial for a detergent bar. Their concepts are really worth to be applauded... and to think that we've only given them 10 minutes to practice... they have such creative minds.

Anyweiz, I don't know if I'm just trying to be optimistic, but I think the people who I have messed up relationship with are making efforts to show signs of reconciliation. I'm up to it, hundred percent, but not now. If they want to talk to me and ask certain sensitive questions, then fire away, and I'll try to give them straight answers (noticed the pun?), but don't they dare send that old hag as their representative coz what I've planned to be engaged in at this time is cold war, so don't provoke shooting war by sending her to me! I don't have time for pathetic feelingeras.

Ahhh!! I want to be an officer of the Rotaract Club in FEU!! But I guess Czar had already fixed his eyes on the presidency, so I think I have to settle for something less... hehe. Ah basta, I'll ask my friends to give me a seat in the club by insisting them to nominate me then eventually vote for me... please, classmates, please?? Well, if I'm not really destined to be an officer of Rotaract, I'll just satisfy myself with the fact that, at the very least, I'm one of the founding members of the Rotaract Club in FEU.

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