a saddenign reality...

This is from Cranky's latest blog entry on her Friendster blog, I promise, it's worth your time:

people judge. cant help it. khet ano gwen mo, they just do, thats d way d cookie crumbles,teehee! now, 4 those who gets misunderstood evry once in a wyl, those who were put under scrutiny and those who just appreciate a good excuse for bein d "target"..relax. u dont have to go all crazy. i think, well,iv figured that evryone's normal until u get to know em. we hav r own weirdnez and were all sombody else's fool. evryone is insecure. power trippers with magnfcent egos will always bring u down. subtlety isnt in d context so,wut 2say with these rude/power trippin people? hmmm lemme think....

for those who talks too mch but knows so little..
"i can see ur point,but i still think ur full of it...."
"you have the right to remain silent,cause wutever u say will probbly be stupid anyway..."

those physical critics n d nman beautiful..
"i may be fat but ur ugly, and i cud go on a diet..."

those who implies perfection
"my imagnary friend thinks u hav SERIOUS PROBLEMS..."

for those who wont quit buggin u..
"Go away! i have enough friends already..."

then do ur evil laugh! { buwhahahaha!} this will shut ur corruptr up.

sad, kc andmeng gntong situations and this wont do u any good eh..i am not concerned with practical realities but with inner thoughts and feelings. i was always into that, inner thoughts and feelings..i beliv that ur not entitled to hurt any1 just because... i reason, i believ in emotions, i trust, and i hav faith..i beliv in people and their capabilities to love, to see u in a diffrnt light. im aiming for the stars,i know, but i trust people to be kind. idealistic? yep,this is hu i am,an introvert,a sentimental fool that enjoys rain on a june aftrnoon..i laugh and cry at the same time..thats me,thats wut made me different. and people laugh cause im different. i laugh cause your all the same.

I'm weird. You like it. You wouldn't be this far down the page if you weren't somehow transfixed by the oddity of it all. If you're weird, and people like it, this is for you..-cranky

[ my own ]

I've just learned a lesson today... no matter how hard some people try to bring you down, you'll never be down and low as long as you already have TRUE and GOOD friends to back you up and make your opponents back-off. You are truly an invincible persona when you have true friends... you are as twice as strong as you've known yourself before, a tower with a strong foundation that can't be easily demolished, a blinding light unappreciated by those who belong to the dark side of the world.

That's what I think of myself right now... thanks to the people who never doubted me and instead put me into a place which is of higher ground. My friends strengthened me so well that the negativities can only manage to bother me for short span of time.

[ losers ]

isn't it saddening when you already have all the money in the world and yet you can't buy with it the things you actually need to be happy? Isn't it more saddening when you have to badmouth someone and tell nasty rumors about him/her just to be able to reach that kind of satisfaction that your money can't bring you? you're rich but you know you don't have enough friends... real good friends? tsk.. your problem is quite serious... something that could lead to psychological imbalance. remember, there's only a thin line between sanity and the opposite of it... i advise you not to cross-over... haha! I pity you, loser.

[ bring me down! woohoo! ]

Haha! I've made it! I was appointed School Affairs Director of the ROTARACT CLUB of FEU! Thanks to Ma'am Gemzon! Thanks for believing ma'am! You never know how elated I am! Haha! thanks for putting you trust on me... I will try my best not to disappoint you and the rest of the club members. And to those people who practiced crab mentality and attacked unfairly just to bring me down, sorry losers, you're not as deserving as I am, so back-off and eat my dust! haha! still can't managed to bring me down, eh? try suicide.

If you didn't like my nice and good side, I assure you, you wouldn't like my bad side either. When I'm bad, I'm not just bad... I'm evil.

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