what I don't like much about summer vacation:

1. It's hot.
2. No schooling, no allowance.
3. No allowance = Broke.
4. Broke = Can't go to the swimming outings or any getaways with friends.
5. You miss your friends (or probably envious of them coz they'll be having a lot of fun... without you.. :)
6. It's hot.

Good thing we have internet connection... I'd get to download and watch movies (even those which are not yet showing on cinemas), burn the latest hotness in the world of music and do major editing of my blogsite... and yeah, this unbearable boredom caused by the summer vacation also gave me the time and right(?) to flood the Friendster BBS... wow.. that's how boring my life is... thank God, it's only for now... because on April 9, Saturday, we'll be having our Swimming outing! It's with the 4A so it's gonna be one cool outing! hehe... well.. hopefully..

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