what's happening?

I didn't update for the last two days coz something's messed up, it's either our PC's internet connection or the Blogger, Friendster and Deviantart sites.

Anyweiz, I started to make my own designs on Adobe Photoshop yesterday. And I just realized that it's one helluva design program!! Although I'm still at the process of familiarizing myself with the different tools, I know that in a month or two, creating designs will be just easy breezy... well, hopefully. =D

You know what? I think I want to shift to another course... something computer and design related..

I've managed to create 2 designs with the help of some tutorials on the net and I'll be posting them here later (because I saved the images in the other PC, and it's off right now).. visit again to check them out!

[this is part of my kitehost.com blog entry yesterday]

What I've been doing this summer? Okay, there are mainly two things - eating and surfing the net... I don't wanna talk about the eating part... There's so may things I want to do in a computer but there are some hindrances to my plans. Like, I don't own a computer, the PC I'm using belongs to my brother. I can't install programs that I want to know about (like Flash), I can't open the PC anytime I want to because I can only use it whenever my brother's away or asleep. But I'm still thankful coz I've got to use the PC for long hours and I can be considered the "other" owner coz I can act like one when my brother's not around.. =D

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